Get Latest Bangladesh Plastic led bulb Import Data from Hong kong

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12/31/202339159000Waste, Parings And Scrap, Of Other Plastics, Nes MIXED PLASTIC SCRAP (NON-HAZARDOUS AND NON-TOXIC)USCA TRADING INC36446.7Bale, compressed17129.95Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp ACCESSORIES: POLYBAG =10600PCSJOINTAK LABELS COMPANY LIMITED81.2Carton1842.64Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 PLASTIC BUCKLE,SIZE CLIP,RING & SLIDERLINTAS COMPANY LTD29.43Package66948.67Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339202090Other polymers of propylene(excl printed form) ADHESIVE FILM (PLASTIC FILM)BEMIS HONG KONG LTD0.4Package10Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 PLASTIC PINAVERY DENNSION HONG KONG BV24.8Package368Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 BRA RINGS & SLIDER OF PLASTICCHERRY BODY FASHIONS MFY658Package19472.2Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 G/ACC:OTHER ARTICLES OF PLASTIC WAREADS HONG KONG27Package15778.75Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp PACKING MATERIAL(PP PACKING BAG)MAZEN GROUP LTD20.8999Package35818.88Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 PLASTIC TAG PINFOOK HING INDUSTRIAL LTD1.6Package668.55Hong KongN/A
12/31/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp PLASTIC POLY BAG =3980 PCSRPAC HONG KONG LIMITED111.5Carton3077.14Hong KongN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plastic led bulb Import Data of Bangladeshfrom Hong kong. We collect Plastic led bulb Import Data of Bangladesh from Hong kong with product and date. Plastic led bulb ImportData of Bangladesh from Hong kong helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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