Get Latest Bangladesh Plastic id card holder Import Data from Bangladesh

Get latest Customs Import data of Bangladesh from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/28/202458063210Imported by industrial IRC holder VAT complaint satin ribbon manu. ind...RPac BaNgladesh Limited0N/A785785BANGLADESHN/A
3/28/202458063210Imported by industrial IRC holder VAT complaint satin ribbon manu. ind...RPac BaNgladesh Limited0N/A785785BANGLADESHN/A
3/25/202439191010Self-Adhesive Tape..In Rolls, Width =<20cm Imp by IND.IRC.VAT Sim_Smart Card manf.indEpyllioN Ltd0N/A138600BANGLADESHN/A
12/31/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp POLY BAG = 13000 PCSExperieNce Accessories Co Limited1222Bundle2220BangladeshN/A
12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 PLASTIC HANGER & SIZER = 40,872 PCSBeNgal WiNdsor Thermoplastics Ltd616.978Carton1673.27BangladeshN/A
12/31/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp PRINTED POLY BAG WITH G & IN ATCH HOOK HANGER, P HOOK = 170430 PCSPACKMAN BANGLADESH LTD1512.6Carton8581.67BangladeshN/A
12/28/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp ACC(POLY BAG =3500 KGJEMINA ACCESSORIES BD LIMITED3500Package5950BangladeshN/A
12/28/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp POLY BAG =15000 DZNJEMINA ACCESSORIES BD LIMITED2159.99Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple un6393BangladeshN/A
12/28/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp ACC(POLY BAG =1350 KGJEMINA ACCESSORIES BD LIMITED1350Package2295BangladeshN/A
12/28/202339232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zipp POLY BAG = 32247 PCSJEMINA ACCESSORIES BD LIMITED2189.99Package2922.87BangladeshN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plastic id card holder Import Data of Bangladeshfrom Bangladesh. We collect Plastic id card holder Import Data of Bangladesh from Bangladesh with product and date. Plastic id card holder ImportData of Bangladesh from Bangladesh helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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