Get Latest Bangladesh Arquad 268 85 Import Data from India

Get latest Customs Import data of Bangladesh from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/13/202454077200Dyed Woven Fabrics, >=85% Synthetic Filaments, NesAVIK ANd SONS 5 TANSHUK LANE SHIV THA0N/A2116.29IndiaCustom House Benapole
2/18/202454076900=85% Textrd/Non-Textrd Polystr Filmnt'>Other Woven Fabrics Of Synth'C Yarn >=85% Textrd/Non-Textrd Polystr FilmntMAA TARA EXPORT BAGDA ROAD MOTIGON0N/A13754.41IndiaShonamosjid LC Station
2/18/202452085900Printed Woven Cotton Fabrics, With >=85% Cotton, NesMAA TARA EXPORT BAGDA ROAD MOTIGON0N/A46299.19IndiaShonamosjid LC Station
2/11/202452085900Printed Woven Cotton Fabrics, With >=85% Cotton, NesMAA TARA EXPORT BAGDA ROAD MOTIGON0N/A31379.71IndiaShonamosjid LC Station
2/11/202454076900=85% Textrd/Non-Textrd Polystr Filmnt'>Other Woven Fabrics Of Synth'C Yarn >=85% Textrd/Non-Textrd Polystr FilmntMAA TARA EXPORT BAGDA ROAD MOTIGON0N/A25079.66IndiaShonamosjid LC Station
2/7/202454076900=85% Textrd/Non-Textrd Polystr Filmnt'>Other Woven Fabrics Of Synth'C Yarn >=85% Textrd/Non-Textrd Polystr FilmntMAA TARA EXPORT BAGDA ROAD MOTIGON0N/A36043.33IndiaShonamosjid LC Station
2/7/202452085900Printed Woven Cotton Fabrics, With >=85% Cotton, NesMAA TARA EXPORT BAGDA ROAD MOTIGON0N/A33325.6IndiaShonamosjid LC Station
12/31/202355096900Yarn, <85%Acrylic Or Modacrylic Staple Fibres, Nes, Nprs(Exl. Wool/Cotton) YARNGANGA ACROWOOLS LIMITED108.5Package794.1IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/31/202355161400Printed Woven Fabrics, > =85% Artificial Staple Fibres FABRICSPROSPEROUS GLORY ASIA LTD8.9Package45IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/31/202329151100Formic Acid FORMIC ACID + ( =85%)CATALYST CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES15750Package9450IndiaBDCGP Chittagong

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Arquad 268 85 Import Data of Bangladeshfrom India. We collect Arquad 268 85 Import Data of Bangladesh from India with product and date. Arquad 268 85 ImportData of Bangladesh from India helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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