Get Latest Bangladesh Abaca handcrafted rolls Import Data from India

Get latest Customs Import data of Bangladesh from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

12/31/202339191090Self-Adhesive Tape, Plates, Strip..., In Rolls, Width =<20cm STICKERMAXIM LABEL PACKAGING INDIA PVT L5Package130.11IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/26/202339191090Self-Adhesive Tape, Plates, Strip..., In Rolls, Width =<20cm SAMPLE TAPEJAY JAY MILLS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED2.9Package13.5IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/26/202339191010Self-Adhesive Tape..In Rolls, Width =<20cm Imp by IND.IRC.VAT Sim_Smart Card manf.ind ADHESIVE TAPEVIJAY KUMAR KANDOI CO79.2Package2224IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/24/202339189000Floor, Wall Or Ceiling Coverings Of Plastics, Nes, In Rolls Or Tiles POLY VINYL STRETCH SHEETWOWZIE ELEMENT CONSULTANTS S PTE LTD10Package69643.11IndiaBDCGP Chittagong
12/21/202339191090Self-Adhesive Tape, Plates, Strip..., In Rolls, Width =<20cm ADHESIVE TAPEVIJAY KUMAR KANDOI CO27Package1980IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/21/202339191090Self-Adhesive Tape, Plates, Strip..., In Rolls, Width =<20cm DOOR STRIKERVE COMMERCIAL VEHICLES LTD0.33Box26587.12IndiaBDBNP Benapole
12/18/202339191090Self-Adhesive Tape, Plates, Strip..., In Rolls, Width =<20cm TAPEJAY JAY MILLS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED4.8Package402.84IndiaBDDAC Dhaka
12/17/202339191090Self-Adhesive Tape, Plates, Strip..., In Rolls, Width =<20cm SPINDLE TAPEELGI ULTRA PRIVATE LTD0.4Package5IndiaNULL
12/12/202339181000Floor... Coverings Of Polymers Of Vinyl Chloride, In Rolls Or Tiles PVC FLOOR COVERINGMS MONDAL TRADERS1461.99Package4746.2IndiaBDJSR Jessore
12/11/202376071910Aluminium Foil, =<0.2mm Thick, Not Backed (Excl. Rolled) SAMPLE ROLLS BLISTER FOIL WITH SHARD CARDSANWARIYA PACKAGING PVT LTD4.32Package17.5IndiaBDDAC Dhaka

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Abaca handcrafted rolls Import Data of Bangladeshfrom India. We collect Abaca handcrafted rolls Import Data of Bangladesh from India with product and date. Abaca handcrafted rolls ImportData of Bangladesh from India helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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