Get Latest Bangladesh Import Data of Abaca fiber under HS Code 55049000

Discover latest Bangladesh shipment data of Abaca fiber under HS code 55049000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Bangladesh Import Data.

12/30/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed SYNTHETIC FIBERPOLARIS UNO INC22000Box107600South KoreaBDCGP Chittagong
12/28/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBRE (LYOCELL FIBER)SATERI CHAGZHOU FIBRE CO LTD46470.8Bale, compressed83102.78ChinaBDCGP Chittagong
12/28/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBERLENZING AG59537.4Bale, compressed128472.78AustriaBDCGP Chittagong
12/28/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBERLENZING AG39591.2Bale, compressed85478.25AustriaBDCGP Chittagong
12/26/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed SYNTHETIC FIBERPOLARIS UNO INC22000Box107600South KoreaBDCGP Chittagong
12/26/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBERLENZING THAILAND CO LTD203777Bale, compressed373657.48ThailandBDCGP Chittagong
12/24/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICAL STAPLE FIBER.LENZINGTHAILAND CO LTD100503Bale, compressed206724.9ThailandBDCGP Chittagong
12/19/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBER LYOCELL A100 BRIGHT 1.25DTEX/38MMLENZING FIBERS GRIMSBY LTD25339.5Bale, compressed106704.51United KingdomBDCGP Chittagong
12/19/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed PP FIBER/SYNTHETIC FIBERDONG JIN INDUSTRIAL BD COMPANY10350Carton20022.32BangladeshBDUPZ Uttara EPZ
12/13/202355049000Artificial Staple Fibres, (Excl. Viscose), Not Carded,Combed Or Processed ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBER LENZING TM LYOCELL BRIGHT R/W 1.3D/38 MMLENZING THAILAND CO LTD254337Bale, compressed469045.43ThailandBDCGP Chittagong

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Abaca fiber under HS code 55049000 Bangladesh. We collect Import data of Abaca fiber under HS code 55049000 with product anddate.Import data of Abaca fiber under HS code 55049000 Bangladesh helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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