2/15/2024 | 64034000 | Footwear, With A Metal Toe-Cap, Leather Uppers | MS ISLAM ENTERPRISE VILLISLAMPUR | 160 | N/A | 741.38 | India | Custom House Benapole |
2/15/2024 | 85364990 | Relays For A Voltage 60-1000 V | MS ISLAM ENTERPRISE VILLISLAMPUR | 37 | N/A | 68.6 | India | Custom House Benapole |
1/23/2024 | 44119300 | F.board of wood or other .mat. Excl.Med.den. F.board (MDF)of a den.>0.5 g/cm3 | TUSHAR INTERNATIONAL 81 BAL MUKUN | 0 | N/A | 2180.14 | India | Custom House Benapole |
12/31/2023 | 38099100 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Textile Or Like Industries Nes NOVO DENIFADE BE 700 (FINISHING AGENT) | ATLANTIC CARE CHEMICALS PVT LTD | 1000 | Pallet | 4550 | India | BDCGP Chittagong |
12/31/2023 | 38099300 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Leather Or Like Industries Nes PRODUCT FOR 100% LEATHER INDUSTRY. (FINIGHING AUXILIARIES) | DHUPAR CHEMICALS PVT LTD | 9049.96 | Carboy, non-protected | 22126 | India | BDBNP Benapole |
12/31/2023 | 38099100 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Textile Or Like Industries Nes FINISHING AGENT (ECOSIL 360) | RESIL CHEMICALS PVT LTD | 3999.99 | Drum | 80280 | India | BDBNP Benapole |
12/31/2023 | 38099100 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Textile Or Like Industries Nes FINISHING AGENT (FB 8535) | RESIL CHEMICALS PVT LTD | 4999.99 | Drum | 80280 | India | BDBNP Benapole |
12/31/2023 | 38099100 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Textile Or Like Industries Nes TEXTILE FINISHING AGENT | WACHER METROARK CHEMICALS PVT LTD | 17010 | Can, rectangular | 32319 | India | BDJSR Jessore |
12/31/2023 | 38099100 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Textile Or Like Industries Nes FINISHING AGENT (ULTRA 2NY) | RESIL CHEMICALS PVT LTD | 3000 | Drum | 80280 | India | BDBNP Benapole |
12/31/2023 | 38099100 | Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Textile Or Like Industries Nes FINISHING AGENTS | FINEOTEX CHEMICAL LIMITED | 2.1 | Package | 13 | India | BDDAC Dhaka |