Get Latest India Customs Import Data under HS Code 84269990

Get latest Customs Import data of India for HS code 84269990. Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/25/202484269990ITEM # 60027898 66401024 SHAFT M D=080 L=1518 C40 CH B143 EUR KERAGLASS SRL 1NOS 1700.87ITALY N/A
1/25/202484269990ITEM # 60027809 66401011 ROD D=12 L=1400 2FM5 AVP EUR KERAGLASS SRL 7NOS 396.87ITALY N/A
1/25/202484269990ITEM # 60027808 66401009 ROLLER 8203 40/44 BPS P.BT12X19N B.PL EUR KERAGLASS SRL 2NOS 279.12ITALY N/A
1/25/202484269990ITEM # 60027903 66401033 ROLLER SUPPORT 8200 OV12 H=24,0 EUR KERAGLASS SRL 5NOS 41.43ITALY N/A
1/24/202484269990PLATE D26XT3.2 SS400 -(S311383A)(SPARE PARTS FOR SCRAPCRANE)(HS2007) USD DAEHAN SPECIAL VEHICLES 6PCS 2.44south koreaN/A
1/24/202484269990PAD (G) T10 MC802 - (S301233A)(SPARE PARTS FOR SCRAPCRANE)(HS2007) USD DAEHAN SPECIAL VEHICLES 2PCS 33.43south koreaN/A
1/24/202484269990PAD(F) 74.2X78XT18 - (S353932A)(SPARE PARTS FOR SCRAPCRANE)(HS2007) USD DAEHAN SPECIAL VEHICLES 2PCS 41.81south koreaN/A
1/24/202484269990PLATE 50X80XT3.2 SS400 - (S326421A)(SPARE PARTS FOR SCRAPCRANE)(HS2007) USD DAEHAN SPECIAL VEHICLES 6PCS 12.84south koreaN/A
1/24/202484269990PLATE 50X80(ZN)XT6 SS400 - (S305877A)(SPARE PARTS FOR SCRAPCRANE)(HS2007) USD DAEHAN SPECIAL VEHICLES 6PCS 9.78south koreaN/A
1/24/202484269990EXT CYL 1 ASSY D60XD45XST1630XL1955 2 - (S210278B)(SPARE PARTS FOR SCRAPCRANE)(HS2007) USD DAEHAN SPECIAL VEHICLES 1PCS 747.24south koreaN/A

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted India Import data of products under 84269990 HS code. We collect 84269990 Import data from India ports, customs, andother trusted authorities in India. 84269990 Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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