Get Latest India Customs Import Data under HS Code 51121110

Get latest Customs Import data of India for HS code 51121110. Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/27/202451121110330367 H.150-GR.210 85%WV-15%SE (FABRIC) GSM 140, MTR 3.10 FLLI CACCIOPPOLI SRL 4.65SQM 278.43ITALY DELHI AIR
3/27/202451121110580243 H.150-GR.360 100%WOOL (FABRIC) GSM 240, MTR 4 FLLI CACCIOPPOLI SRL 6SQM 343.81ITALY DELHI AIR
3/27/202451121110520161 H.150-GR.320 100%WV - (FABRIC) GSM 213, MTR 2.30 FLLI CACCIOPPOLI SRL 3.45SQM 113.29ITALY DELHI AIR
3/27/202451121110330368 H.150-GR.210 85%WV-15%SE (FABRIC) GSM 140, MTR 3.25 FLLI CACCIOPPOLI SRL 4.87SQM 291.9ITALY DELHI AIR
3/23/202451121110100% WOOL FABRIC (WIDTH 150 CM GSM:270 LISA D ESTE FASHION SA 120SQM 2564.84ITALY DELHI AIR
3/23/20245112111080% WOOL 15% LI 15% SE FABRIC (WIDTH 160 CM GSM:265 LISA D ESTE FASHION SA 65.12SQM 512.63ITALY DELHI AIR
3/23/202451121110100% WOOL FABRIC (WIDTH 150 CM GSM:270 LISA D ESTE FASHION SA 22.5SQM 309.16ITALY DELHI AIR
3/23/20245112111035% WOOL 35% SE 30% LI FABRIC(WIDTH : 150 CM GSM:245 LISA D ESTE FASHION SA 28.2SQM 583.5ITALY DELHI AIR
3/23/202451121110100% WOOL FABRIC (WIDTH 150 CM GSM:292 LISA D ESTE FASHION SA 61.35SQM 608.81ITALY DELHI AIR
3/23/202451121110100% WOOL FABRIC (WIDTH 150 CM GSM:285 LISA D ESTE FASHION SA 14.1SQM 161.45ITALY DELHI AIR

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted India Import data of products under 51121110 HS code. We collect 51121110 Import data from India ports, customs, andother trusted authorities in India. 51121110 Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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