Get Latest India Customs Import Data under HS Code 48119093

Get latest Customs Import data of India for HS code 48119093. Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

2/23/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) CASTAWAYS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 130SET 197.35CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
2/23/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) CASTAWAYS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 45SET 194.01CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
2/13/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) CASTAWAYS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 60SET 89.92CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
2/6/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) CASTAWAYS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 3SET 4.56CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
2/4/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) CASTAWAYS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 50SET 75.95CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
1/10/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) USD RAGHU TRADING LIMITED 25SET 108.99CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
1/4/202448119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) USD RAGHU TRADING LIMITED 100SET 151.26CHINA NHAVA SHEVA
12/30/202348119093ULSTAR-1100S (110MMX20M), 9000 ROLLS, THERMAL PAPERS FOR VIDEO PRINTER (COO REF NO. K001-23-0906896 DT. 20.12.2023) 48DURICO CAnd T INC 1440KGS 26232.16South KoreaPATPARGANJ ICD
12/30/202348119093ULSTAR-1100HG (110MMX18M), 1000 ROLLS, THERMAL PAPERS FOR VIDEO PRINTER (COO REF NO. K001-23-0906896 DT. 20.12.2023) 48DURICO CAnd T INC 157KGS 5522.56South KoreaPATPARGANJ ICD
12/12/202348119093Thermal Paper Rolls (Set of 5 Pcs.) 48RAGHU TRADING LIMITED 80SET 119.91CHINA JNPTMUMBAI

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted India Import data of products under 48119093 HS code. We collect 48119093 Import data from India ports, customs, andother trusted authorities in India. 48119093 Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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