Poland import data 2023, 2024, Poland importers, ports data

Poland Import Data

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Poland import data shows that the overall Poland imports declined this year. Poland total import value was around $340B billion during FY 2024. Germany and Belgium were responsible for the maximum Poland imports by country. During this period, Poland most prominent imports were mineral fuels, nuclear reactors, vehicles and Electrical machinery, equipment. Poland is a very niche market for worldwide exporters. Through expert market intelligence, global suppliers can find genuine Poland buyers and increase their sales.

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Poland Import Trade Data

What Does Poland Import Data Include?

From historical to the latest, we have full import data of Poland. Our Poland import customs data will help you find top Poland import commodities by HS code, price, country, Poland buyers list, ports, competitor shipments for your market research. Utilize these key Poland import statistics to your advantage and prepare an excellent marketing strategy to outclass your competition.
We provide both online and offline Poland imports data access to our customers. Also, you can customize your requirements accordingly. You can request a full sample on Poland import data HS Code, Product Description, Quantity, Unit, Price, Country of Origin/Destination, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Loading/Unloading Port, etc.

Poland imports by hs code

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Country Wise France Import Data

Poland import data

Year Wise Historical France Import Data

Importers in Poland

France Importers List

Poland top imports products

France Import Products List

Poland imports ports data

France Imports Ports Data

Field Name Detail
Date :Mar 28 2016 12:00AM
HS Code :73182990
Product DetailsTHREADED FASTENERS - WLT-03-001 NUT M18X1.5
Quantity :1500
Quantity Unit :PCS
Value($) :300
Country of Origin :India
Country of Destination :Poland

Poland Top 10 Major Imports

What Does Poland Import?

In FY 2024, Mineral Fuels accounted for the maximum number of shipments having a share of over 18% in Poland total imports. As per Poland import shipment data, Poland top 10 major imports were Nuclear Reactors ($42B) , Electrical Machinery ($32B) , Vehicle Parts ($30B) , Mineral Fuels & Oils ($28B) , Plastics & its articles ($18B) , Iron & Steel ($13B) , Pharmaceutical Products ($9.6B) , Iron & Steel Articles ($7.6B) , Optical Istruments ($7.3B) , Miscellaneous Commodities ($6.6B)

The top 10 product imports of Poland were valued to be $194.1 Billion having over 57.09%. You can have a more brief understanding of Poland major commodity exports in the visual chart given below.

Get Poland Imports Products Data 2023

Poland's Top 10 Import Partners

Who does Poland import from?

In the financial year 2024, Germany was responsible for the maximum Poland import shipments with over 20% share in overall Poland imports. As per Poland import details report, the top 10 trading partners for Poland imports were Germany ($68B) , China ($40B) , Italy ($16B) , United States ($15B) , Netherlands ($13B) , France ($11B) , Czech Republic ($10.4B) , South Korea ($9.7B) , Norway ($8.2B) , Saudi Arabia ($7.5B) , .
Poland top 10 import partner countries had exported around $198.8 billion with an overall 58.47% share in Poland total imports. You will get a better overview of Poland imports from other countries. If you are looking for year wise Poland import data by country, please click below.

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Top Importers in Poland

Poland Buyers List

  • Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe
  • Tatneft-Europe AG
  • Grupa Lotos SA
  • EME AeroStrona Glówna
  • Arcelormittal Poland
  • SE Bordnetze Polska
  • RTI Limited
  • Gunvor SA
  • Vestas Poland
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