Total Export

$18.9 Billion



Congo Export Data

Get Verified Congo Export Customs Shipment Data

As per DR Congo Export Data of 2021, goods exports were worth $18.9 billion. DR Congo ranks 70th on the list of the world’s leading exporters. In a speech on GDP, DR Congo is the 87th largest economy in the world.

DR Congo Import Shipment data suggests that DR Congo's top exports are Copper, Chemicals, Ores, Slag and Ash. China, Tanzania and the United Arab Emirates are the top 3 trading partners of Congo in terms of Exports.

You can enhance your production and cut manufacturing costs by importing quality goods from Congo. A Verified DR Congo Exporters Data can help you find genuine manufacturers, suppliers, and Exporters in DR Congo.

Congo Export Sample Data

Congo Export Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides detailed Congo Export Trade Data that helps you align your business to the Congo Market. Accurate market insights assists you in identifying market risks involved, product demand, competitor, and growth opportunities.

We provide quarterly, monthly and annual data reports based on our DR Congo Exporters Database. It helps you plan an effective marketing strategy and generate more revenue. A Data based marketing strategy can make you succeed in the international market.

Download Free Congo Export Sample Data by HS Code, Country Name, Buyer Name, Product Name, Unit, Price, exporter Name, Port of Loading/Unloading, and Shipping information.

Field Name Detail
Date : 1/4/2021
HS Code : 13019090
Product Details NCA01.01.21CG # & Plastics parameters used to produce turpentine, pine oil for industrial use, not used in food. 4 of 80 events played in 40 'container. New 100%.
Quantity : 102000
Quantity Unit : KGM
Value($) : 77520
Country of Origin : Congo
Country of Destination : Vietnam
Port : Djeno Port
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

Congo Major Exports Products

Congo Top Exports

According to DR Congo Export Statistics, DR Congo top 10 export commodities in 2021 were Copper & its Articles (50.12%), Other Base Metals & Articles (20.14%), Ores, Slag & Ash (9.45%), Mineral Oils & Fuels (6.43%), Metals, Pearls & Stones (3.27%), Precious Metals, Inorganic Chemicals (1.34%), Wood Articles, Charcoal (1.05%), Cocoa (0.65%), Coffee, Tea, Spices (0.28%), and Food Industries Waste and Residues, Animal Fodder (0.21%).

Based on DR Congo Suppliers Data, the top 10 product exports by DR Congo shared an export value of $7.77 billion along with a 92.94% share of total exports. You will find more detailed statistics of DR Congo's major exports by HS Code, Total Export Value, and Total Export Share in the chart given below:

Congo Major Export Products
Congo Top Export Trading Partners

Congo Top Export Trading Partners

Congo Largest Trading Partners

DR Congo Customs Shipment Data suggests that China, India and the Netherlands are the largest importers of goods from Congo Market. In terms of total export share, DR Congo Top export Trading Partners in 2021 were China (56%), India (12.40%), Netherlands (3.90%), the United States of America (3.17%), Spain (2.47%), Australia (1.86%), Italy (1.28%), United Kingdom (1.24%), Angola (1.19%) and Gabon (1.16%).

The total export value for DR Congo Largest Trading Partners was around $4.88 billion with a total export share of 84.67%. In the chart mentioned below, we have provided a detailed analysis of the DR Congo top 10 trading partners based on total export value and total export share.

Congo Port List

Major Sea Ports in Congo

Congo is the second largest country in the African Continent. The Country has a quality supply chain structure to facilitate large scale export operations. The Port of Abidjan is the main seaport of Congo for exports. Here, we have shared some of the major sea ports in Congo accounting for maximum month-wise export shipments.

Congo Top Exporters

Congo Exporters List

According to Congo Suppliers Data, Antares sprl and M.B.C. Sprl are Congo Top Exporter Companies. Here we have presented the Top Congo Exporters List based on our latest Congo Export Customs Data.

  • Antares sprl
  • M.B.C Sprl
  • Phoenix Corporation Inc
  • Cimutek
  • Societe Multi commercial
  • Rubaco
  • Oasis Mineral Point
  • Kolwezi Mining Co
  • Kanu Equipment Congo
  • Bonaranch Africa
  • Tanganyika Mining Sprl
  • Socit Cooprative Minire Tujenge Congo
  • Manze Mines Company Katanga Group Limited
  • Bondo Mines Ltd
  • Pic Sprl
  • Optima Congo
  • Congo Pharma Sarl
  • Abc Pharma Ltd
  • Bdeltd
 Congo Export Trade Data

Advantages of Congo Export Trade Data

  • Generate genuine leads from Congo Market
  • Discover latest product demand from Congo
  • Monitor Your Competition & outrank them
  • Give Data based approach to your marketing strategy
  • Establish a strong market presence in the Congo
  • Set long term business goals & maximise profits

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