Philippines Vacuum breaker imports data 2024 - Vacuum breaker Import Data of Philippines

Complete Detailed Competitor Analysis through our latest Vacuum breaker Import Data of Philippines 2024. Find detailed Philippines Import Data statistics consisting of the name of Vacuum breaker device importer in Philippines with Date, HS code, Product Details, quantity, Unit, Total Value in USD, Country, port Loading & unloading, buyer and more shipping information details below.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)CountryPortBuyer
1/27/202185352190000VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH ACCESSORIES (RMSYS 24kV 630A 20kA 3s)4Piece37985.67ItalyManila Int l Container PortMONTRELEC INC. Get Detailed Shipment Records
1/27/202185352190000VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH ACCESSORIES (WL-R 17,5kV 1250A 25kA 3s withdrawable version)4Piece8357.46ItalyManila Int l Container PortMONTRELEC INC.
1/27/202185352190000VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER ACCESSORIES (Cradle Incoming/Outgoing 17,5kV 1250A 31,5kA)5Piece4215.52ItalyManila Int l Container PortMONTRELEC INC.
1/27/202185352190000VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH ACCESSORIES (WL-R 17,5KV 2000A 25KA 3s withdrawable version)1Piece3713.49ItalyManila Int l Container PortMONTRELEC INC.
1/27/202185352190000VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER ACCESSORIES (Cradle Incoming/Outgoing 17,5kV 2000A 25kA 3s)1Piece1440.94ItalyManila Int l Container PortMONTRELEC INC.
1/26/202185371019000PART OF 1X40 TCNU4861276 STC 4 PKG S VCB PANELS ELECTRICAL PANELS 13.2/22/kv, 1250a for 26.3 kA/3 sec Vacuum Circuit Breaker Switch Board Panel3Piece41852.27IndiaManila Int l Container PortPARTIDO RICE MILL CORPORATION
1/8/202185362099000 "HOBART" VACUUM 1/2" BREAKER 00-292909-00002 - MACHINE SPARE PARTS1Piece96.18SingaporeNinoy Aquino Int l AirportALLIED METALS INC.
1/4/202184818099000 "LA MARZOCCO" 3 WAY SOLENOID VALVE 220V L100/E ; L190 VACUUM BREAKER35Piece1965.17United States of AmericaNinoy Aquino Int l AirportTECHNOLUX EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY CORP
1/15/2021853521900002 EA - INDOOR HV AC VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER TROLLEY2Piece25459.06ChinaManila Int l Container PortGNPOWER KAUSWAGAN LTD. CO.

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Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted Philippines Import data of Vacuum breaker with HS Code and Price. We collect Vacuum breaker Import data from Philippines ports, customs, and othertrusted authorities in Philippines.Philippines Vacuum breaker Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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