Bangladesh Plastic curtain imports data 2024 - Plastic curtain Import Data of Bangladesh

Complete Detailed Competitor Analysis through our latest Plastic curtain Import Data of Bangladesh 2024. Find detailed Bangladesh Import Data statistics consisting of the name of Plastic curtain device importer in Bangladesh with Date, HS code, Product Details, quantity, Unit, Total Value in USD, Country, port Loading & unloading, buyer and more shipping information details below.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)CountryPortBuyer
1/19/202159039090Textile fabrics impregnated... with plastics, nes HEAT PROOF CURTAIN0102.39ChinaDhakaWalton Digi-Tech Industries LimitedGet Detailed Shipment Records
1/18/202139269099PVC scrn.having intrnl.dia.from 4-8 Mulch and strct.thereof used in agri.& hoti.,nes CURTAIN RING(PLASTIC)0414.05ChinaKamalapur DhakaM/S. Parisa Enterprise
1/11/202139269099PVC scrn.having intrnl.dia.from 4-8 Mulch and strct.thereof used in agri.& hoti.,nes CURTAIN ACCESSORIES (PLASTIC EYELET)01933.88ChinaKamalapur DhakaTISHA FABRICS
1/14/202139249090Other Household Articles And Toilet Articles, Of Plastics, NES SHOWER CURTAIN0293.75ChinaChittagongREAL ENTERPRISE
1/10/202139269099PVC scrn.having intrnl.dia.from 4-8 Mulch and strct.thereof used in agri.& hoti.,nes CURTAIN ACCESSORIES (PLASTIC EYELET)02368.44ChinaDhakaPALASH CORPORATION
1/14/202139263000Fittings For Furniture, Coachwork Or The Like Of Plastics CURTAIN FITTING PLASTIC0531.29ChinaKamalapur DhakaTWIN CORPORATION
1/27/202139269099PVC scrn.having intrnl.dia.from 4-8 Mulch and strct.thereof used in agri.& hoti.,nes CURTAIN FITTINGS ( PLASTIC EYELET )0671.48ChinaDhakaT. A. CORPORATION
1/10/202139269030Parts And Fittings For Infusino Set, Of Plastics Plastic curtain ring02.12ChinaDhakaHASNAT INTERNATIONAL TRADING
1/12/202139249090Other Household Articles And Toilet Articles, Of Plastics, NES PLASTIC CURTAIN FOR GOVT. FERTILIZER PROJECT USE01642.59ChinaChittagongGhorashal Polash Urea Fertilizer

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Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted Bangladesh Import data of Plastic curtain with HS Code and Price. We collect Plastic curtain Import data from Bangladesh ports, customs, and othertrusted authorities in Bangladesh.Bangladesh Plastic curtain Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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