Bangladesh Plast line imports data 2024 - Plast line Import Data of Bangladesh

Complete Detailed Competitor Analysis through our latest Plast line Import Data of Bangladesh 2024. Find detailed Bangladesh Import Data statistics consisting of the name of Plast line device importer in Bangladesh with Date, HS code, Product Details, quantity, Unit, Total Value in USD, Country, port Loading & unloading, buyer and more shipping information details below.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)CountryPortBuyer
1/21/202161161000IMPREGNATED, COATED OR COVERED WITH PLASTICS OR RUBBER LINER FOR GLOVES=3184DP09760.36PakistanChittagongIndustrial Hand Protection LtdGet Detailed Shipment Records
1/26/202139209990Plates..., Of Other Plastics, Not Reinforced, Etc, Nes Z LINER TAPE0563South KoreaDhakaYoungone (Cepz) LIMITED
1/18/202139262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 Z-LINER TAPE05.32South KoreaDhakaMZM (CEPZ) LIMITED
1/24/202184779000Parts Of Machinery For Working Rubber Or Plastics, Etc SPARE PARTS FOR SHEATHING LINE MACHINE-2012809.62ChinaChittagongCable Industries of Bangladesh LTD
1/20/202139263000Fittings For Furniture, Coachwork Or The Like Of Plastics Frame Stick (Polystrene PS Moulding Lines Stick For Furniture)09640.54ChinaCustom House PangaonJ. A. TRADING
1/25/202139199010OTHER SELF-ADHESIVE PLATES, TAPE, STRIP, FOIL... OF PLASTICS, NES PROTECTIVE FILM, LINER, SEAM TAPE (ACC)015165.69Hong KongChittagongKadena Sportwear Limited
1/25/202139235000Stoppers, Lids, Caps And Other Closures Of Plastics PH.P.MAT: 28MM CR CLOSURES LINER04045.4IndiaChittagongRENATA LTD
1/31/202139209910Film For Blister Packing Of Other Plastics SEAM TAPE,Z-LINER014835.38South KoreaChittagongYoungone Hi-Tech SportswearIndustries LTD
1/18/202164029900Footwear, Nes, Exl. Covering The Ankle, Of Rubber Or Plastics SAFETY SHOES PURSE LINE1NPR 1803.36South KoreaChittagongSamsung C&T Corporation
1/25/202184512900Drying Machines, Of A Dry Linen Capacity >10kg PLASTIC DRYING MACHINE4NMB 1373.62ChinaChittagongTHREE STAR CORPORATION

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Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted Bangladesh Import data of Plast line with HS Code and Price. We collect Plast line Import data from Bangladesh ports, customs, and othertrusted authorities in Bangladesh.Bangladesh Plast line Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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