sao tome and principe Export Data

Total Export

$33.4 Million



Sao Tome and Principe Export Data

Get Verified Sao Tome and Principe Export Customs Shipment Data

Sao Tome and Principe Export Data of 2021 suggests that Sao Tome and Principe exports were around 23.8 million US dollars. Sao Tome and Principe was ranked 208th on the list of the world’s top exporters. Sao Tome and Principe also ranked as the 208th largest economy in terms of GDP share.

As per Sao Tome and Principe Export Shipment Data, Sao Tome and Principe exports most of its products to Singapore, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Cocoa, Aircraft, Spacecrafts parts, Palm Oil, and Printing Materials are the most exported products of Sao Tome and Principe.

Textiles, Construction, and Fish Processing are the major industries here. You can find quality products from the Sao Tome and Principe Market and enhance your production. A Verified Sao Tome and Principe Exporters Data can help you find genuine suppliers and exporters in the market.

Sao Tome and Principe Export Sample Data

Sao Tome and Principe Export Trade Data

Exim Trade Data is the best market research company across the world. We are known to deliver authentic Sao Tome and Principe Export Data that helps in your business growth. Our Data helps you gain key market insights of the Sao Tome and Principe market.

Get Customized Sao Tome and Principe Export Statistics reports (yearly, monthly or quarterly) for better market analysis. Enhance your sales with quality leads through our Sao Tome and Principe Exporters Database. Find genuine suppliers and exporters from Sao Tome and Principe.

You can download free Sao Tome and Principe Export Data Sample by HS Code, Country Name, Buyer Name, Product Name, Unit, Price, Importer Name, Port of Loading/Unloading, and Shipping information.

Field Name Detail
Date : 1/1/2021
HS Code : 848180000000
Quantity : 0.2
Quantity Unit : KGM
Value($) : 105.93
Country of Origin : Sao Tome and Principe
Country of Destination : Tanzania
Port : Santo Antonio
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

Sao Tome and Principe Major Exports Products

Sao Tome and Principe Top Exports

According to Sao Tome and Principe Export Statistics, Sao Tome and Principe's top 10 export commodities in 2021 were Cocoa (70%), Vegetable, Animal Fats & Oils (7.23%), Ships, Boats & Floating Structures (4%), Coffee, Tea, Spices (2.82%), Printing Materials (2%), Fruits & Nuts (1.71%), Optical, Photographic Apparatus (1.5%), Aircraft, Spacecraft (0.72%), Vehicles & parts (0.52%) and Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery (0.41%).

Based on Sao Tome and Principe Sellers Data, the top 10 product exports by Sao Tome and Principe shared an export value of 9.55 Million US Dollars along with a 90.91% share of total exports. You will find more detailed statistics of Sao Tome and Principe's major exports by HS Code, Total Export Value, and Total Export Share in the chart given below:

Sao Tome and Principe Major Export Products
Sao Tome and Principe Top Export Trading Partners

Sao Tome and Principe Top Export Trading Partners

Sao Tome and Principe's Largest Trading Partners

Sao Tome and Principe Export Shipment Data suggests that Singapore and Switzerland are the largest importer of goods from Sao Tome and Principe. In terms of total export share, Sao Tome and Principe's Top export Trading Partners in 2021 were Singapore (7.6M), Switzerland (7.05M), Netherlands (1.98M), France (1.84M), Poland (1.78M), Portugal (173K), Slovenia (161K), Belgium (132K), United States (72K) and Angola (69K).

The total export value for Sao Tome and Principe Largest Trading Partners was around 20.74 Million US Dollars in 2021. In the chart mentioned below, we have provided a detailed analysis of the Sao Tome and Principe top 10 trading partners based on total export value and total export share.

Sao Tome and Principe Top Exporters

Sao Tome and Principe Exporters List

According to Sao Tome and Principe Suppliers Data, Commercial Bank Sao Tome Principe and G E G Electronica were Sao Tome and Principe Top exporters companies in 2021. Here we have presented the Top Sao Tome and Principe Exporters List based on our latest Sao Tome and Principe Custom export Data.

Advantages of Sao Tome and Principe Export Trade Data

Advantages of Sao Tome and Principe Export Trade Data

  • Generate Genuine leads from Sao Tome and Principe Market
  • Discover latest product demand from Sao Tome and Principe
  • Monitor Your Competition & outrank them
  • Give Data based approach to your marketing strategy
  • Establish a strong presence in the Sao Tome and Principe Market
  • Set long term business goals & maximise profits

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