egypt Export Data

Total Export

$45 Billion



Egypt Export Data

Get Verified Egypt Export Customs Shipment Data

The Egypt Export Data for 2021 states that Egypt's exports were about 45 billion US dollars. Egypt was ranking 57th on the list of the world's top exports. The WTO reports Egypt is the 30th greatest economy in the world.

Mineral Oils, fuels, Fertilizers, Nuts and Plastics are the most exported products of Egypt. As per Egypt Export Shipment Data, Egypt exports most of its products to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Egypt is the major market for Citrus Fruits, Potatoes, Soybeans, Corn and Cotton. Discover genuine suppliers and exporters from Egypt through our authentic Egypt Exporters Data. Analyze the financial risk through our reports and make the beneficial decisions regarding your business.

Egypt Export Sample Data

Egypt Export Trade Data

Exim Trade Data is the most trusted Egypt export data service provider company in the world. We are known to provide quality data that generates sales for your business. We save your time of market research and bring the best opportunities for your business with the help of our data.

Discover the verified suppliers and exporters in Egypt through our Egypt Exporters Database. Find better pricing for quality products through our Egypt Suppliers Data. Get detailed Egypt Export Statistics reports (yearly, monthly or quarterly).

You can download free Egypt Import Data Sample by HS Code, Country Origin/Destination, Buyer Name, Product Name, Unit, Price, Importer Name, Port of Loading/Unloading, and Shipping information.

Field Name Detail
Date : 1/14/2021
HS Code : 68071000
Product Details Waterproofing membrane ECOBIT PN 3MM E / E, made from petroleum bitumen, polyethylene coated surface very thin anti-adhesive, in rolls of a width of 1m, 10m, 3mm thick. New 100%.
Quantity : 8400
Quantity Unit : MTK
Value($) : 12096
Country of Origin : Egypt
Country of Destination : Vietnam
Port : Alexandria Port
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

Egypt Major Exports Products

Egypt Top Exports

According to Egypt Export Statistics, Egypt top 10 export commodities in 2021 were Mineral Oils & Fuels (28.76%), Plastics (5.30%), Electrical Machinery, Equipment (4.42%), Iron & Steel (3.53%), Cashew Nuts (3.31%), Fertilizers (2.65%), Clothing Accessories (Not Knitted or Crocheted) (2.43%), Pearls, Precious Stones & Metals (2.27%), Vegetables (2.21%) and Aluminium (1.71%).

Based on Egypt Sellers Data, the top 10 product exports by Egypt shared an export value of 3.53 Billion US Dollars along with a 56.59% share of total exports. You will find more detailed statistics of Egypt's major exports by HS Code, Total Export Value, and Total Export Share in the chart given below:

Egypt Major Export Products
Egypt Top Export Trading Partners

Egypt Top Export Trading Partners

Egypt's Largest Trading Partners

Egypt Customs Shipment Data suggests that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are the largest importer of goods from Egypt. In terms of total export share, Egypt Top export Trading Partners in 2021 were United Arab Emirates (6.37%), Saudi Arabia (3.98%), Turkey (3.73%), the United States of America (3.29%), Italy (3.14%), India (2.74%), Spain (1.68%), United Kingdom (1.68%), Canada (1.55%) and Greece (1.51%).

The total export value for Egypt Largest Trading Partners was around 13.43 Billion US Dollars with a total export share of 29.67%. In the chart mentioned below, we have provided a detailed analysis of the Egypt top 10 trading partners based on total export value and total export share.

Egypt Port List

Major Sea Ports in Egypt

Egypt is one of the most developed countries in Africa. Egypt has quality infrastructure and an effective supply chain management system. There are numerous sea-ports in Egypt for large scale export operations. The port of Alexandria is the main seaport of Egypt carrying large cargo volumes. Here, we have shared some of the major seaports in Egypt accounting for maximum year-wise export shipments.

Egypt Top Exporters

Egypt Exporters List

According to Egypt Suppliers Data, Al-Kassoumeh Egyptian Export and Life Chemicals Group were Egypt Top Exporters companies in 2021. Here we have presented the Top Egypt Exporters List based on our latest Egypt Export Custom Data.

  • Al-Kassoumeh Egyptian Export
  • Life Chemicals Group
  • Golden Ship for Marine Services
  • Wavy Fresh
  • Ganetelzohor
  • Bedaya Packing
  • Two Brother for Olives
  • Algawhara Herbs & Spices
  • HFP
  • First-HR
  • Gadco Egypt
  • Namal Egypt
  • Egyfruits
  • Spice Home
  • Alwessam Group
  • GB Farms
  • Euro Van International
Advantages of Egypt Export Trade Data

Advantages of Egypt Export Trade Data

  • Generate Genuine leads from Egypt Market
  • Discover latest product demand from Egypt
  • Monitor Your Competition & outrank them
  • Give Data based approach to your marketing strategy
  • Establish a strong presence in the Egypt Market
  • Set long term business goals & maximise profits

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