Total Export

$4.24 Billion



Botswana Export Data

Get Verified Botswana Export Customs Shipment Data

According to Botswana Export data for 2021, its exports were better at 4.24 billion US dollars. It ranked 114th on the whole of the world’s highest exports. In terms of GDP per capita, Botswana is the 93rd greatest economy in the world.

Botswana Export Shipment data reflects that Botswana's top exports are Gold, Diamonds, Electrical Equipment, Chemicals and Bovine. India, Belgium and the United Arab Emirates are the top 3 trading partners of Botswana in terms of Exports.

Botswana is the best destination to import Pearls Precious Stones, electricity and Chemicals. A Verified Botswana Exporters Data can help you find genuine manufacturers, sellers, and Exporters in Botswana.

Botswana Export Sample Data

Botswana Export Trade Data

Exim Trade Data is a renowned market research firm offering authentic Botswana Export Trade Data. We provide customized reports (quarterly, monthly and year-wise) from our Botswana Exporters Database.

Our Data helps you with in-depth market insights of Botswana. Discover current market trends, demand and potential business leads with our accurate trade data. Gain a competitive edge with our actionable Botswana Customs Export Data.

You can download free Sample Botswana Export Data by HS Code, Country Name, Buyer Name, Product Name, Unit, Price, Importer Name, Port of Loading/Unloading, and Shipping information.

Field Name Detail
Date : 1/1/2021
HS Code : 210690910000
Quantity : 1
Quantity Unit : KGM
Value($) : 54.01
Country of Origin : Botswana
Country of Destination : Tanzania
Port : Francistown
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

Botswana Major Exports Products

Botswana Top Exports

According to Botswana Export Statistics, Botswana top 10 export commodities in 2021 were Pearls, Precious Stones & Metals (89.21%), Electrical, Machinery, Equipment (1.32%), Meat & Meat Products (1.11%), Machineries (0.69%), Inorganic Chemicals (0.61%), Vehicles (0.53%), Salt, Sulphur, Stones (0.31%), Plastics (0.29%), Mineral Fuels & oils (0.21%) and Iron & Steel (0.19%)

Based on Botswana Suppliers Data, the top 10 product exports by Botswana shared an export value of $4.68 billion along with a 94.47% share of total exports. You will find more detailed statistics of Botswana's major exports by HS Code, Total Export Value, and Total Export Share in the chart given below:

Botswana Major Export Products
Botswana Top Export Trading Partners

Botswana Top Export Trading Partners

Botswana Largest Trading Partners

Botswana Customs Shipment Data suggests that India, Belgium, and the United Arab Emirates are the largest importers of goods from Botswana. In terms of total export share, Botswana Top Export Trading Partners in 2021 were India (20.21%), Belgium (18.87%), United Arab Emirates (17.64%), South Africa (8.81%), Israel (6.50%), Hong Kong (5.21%), Singapore (5.12%), Switzerland (3.13%), Namibia (2.81%) and the United States (1.20%).

The total export value for Botswana Largest Trading Partners was around $4.79 billion with a total export share of 89.50%. In the chart mentioned below, we have provided a detailed analysis of the Botswana top 10 trading partners based on total export value and total export share.

Botswana Port List

Major Sea Ports in Botswana

Botswana is a stunning country located in Southern Africa encompassing rich natural vegetation and wildlife. It is a developing country with limited ports. Gaborone and Francistown are the main seaports in Botswana responsible for cargo volume. Here, we have shared some of the major sea ports in Botswana accounting for maximum month-wise export shipments.

Botswana Top Exporters

Botswana Exporters List

According to Botswana Suppliers Data, Qkare Enterprises and Duo Xport Trading (Pty) Ltd. are Botswana Top exporters companies. Here we have presented the Top Botswana Exporters List based on our latest Botswana Export Customs Data.

  • Qkare Enterprises
  • Duo Xport Trading (Pty) Ltd.
  • Kosei Boeki
  • Auction House Japan
  • Xcreo Limited
  • Mule Strategic
  • Aaima Hardware Industries
  • Bargain Tyress
  • Newpark Enterprises (Pty) Ltd
  • Pex Import And Export
  • Emy Ken Investment Ltd
  • Lefree Logistics
 Botswana Export Trade Data

Advantages of Botswana Export Trade Data

  • Generate genuine leads from Botswana Market
  • Discover latest product demand from Botswana
  • Monitor Your Competition & outrank them
  • Give Data based approach to your marketing strategy
  • Establish a strong market presence in the Botswana
  • Set long term business goals & maximise profits

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