Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u Port Overview

  • As per   Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u port data , around 197874 shipments were made during FY 2021-22.
  • There were around 0 active buyers to Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u port.
  • There were 2966 active suppliers from Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u port.

Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u Total Buyers and Suppliers Data


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Get Detailed Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u Port Shipment Data

HS Code Product Description Qty Origin Destination Importer Exporter
84529090 LU 6015 ECCENTRIC WHEEL UP & DOWN MOVEMENT OF NEEDLE ROW (03 QTY) 9.5 Sri Lanka China ***** *****
84529090 LU 6015 ECCENTRIC WHEEL UP & DOWN MOVEMENT OF NEEDLE ROW (03 QTY) 9.5 Sri Lanka China ***** *****
84529090 LU 6015 ECCENTRIC WHEEL UP & DOWN MOVEMENT OF NEEDLE ROW (03 QTY) 9.5 Sri Lanka China ***** *****
HS Code Product Description Qty Origin Destination Importer Exporter
84529090 LU 6015 ECCENTRIC WHEEL UP & DOWN MOVEMENT OF NEEDLE ROW (03 QTY) 9.5 Sri Lanka China ***** *****
84529090 LU 6015 ECCENTRIC WHEEL UP & DOWN MOVEMENT OF NEEDLE ROW (03 QTY) 9.5 Sri Lanka China ***** *****
84529090 LU 6015 ECCENTRIC WHEEL UP & DOWN MOVEMENT OF NEEDLE ROW (03 QTY) 9.5 Sri Lanka China ***** *****

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In 2021, there were 197874 shipments made at Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u port.

There were around 0 active buyers at Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u port in 2021.

was the leading buyer to Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u Port in 2021.

There were around 2966 active suppliers at Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u port in 2021.

BIROTIKA SEMESTA was the leading exporter from Cengkareng Sukarno Hatta u Port in 2021.

Through Exim Global Trade Intelligence System, you can access global ports data by hs code, buyer, supplier, country, port details.